#: 115277 S10/Programming 23-Mar-88 18:31:48 Sb: #A New Basic Fm: Steven D. Kapplin 70055,1021 To: All For those who may be interested. I saw an ad in the latest issue of Amazing Computing (Vol. 3 Num. 3) for a product called F-Basic from Delphi Noetic in Rapid City, SD. After a phone call I decided to take a flyer on it so I bought it. It's not yet a fully finished product, that is it doesn't implement everything -- random files are not available, it doesn't run from an icon, and it only supports 32 bit reals (these are reportedly available in the next version which is now under beta test). The remarkable thing about this Basic is that it supports a RECORD structure, direct access to the DOS AND the cpu registers, has terrific string handling abilities, and last but not least is blazingly fast. The standard sieve (not a souped up version like TDI's) runs in 3.8 sec. The Savage benchmark runs at just about 4 sec. Disk read/write is 10/14 sec to a floppy and half that to my hard disk (both 3/4 full). I compared the savage benchmark with AmigaBasic, TrueBasic, Lattice C, and Aztec C. None run remotely as fast (of course they use double precision, while F-Basic is single). The compiler is also reasonable quick giving compile times competitive with those I have seen listed for Benchmark Modula. If you are interested in a Basic (yep, some of us actually like to program in Basic), this product is worth a try at $79.95. I was definitely impressed. I hope the next version adds most of the missing goodies. The Basic dialect is mostly recognizable, but there are elements of the language which are more like Pascal, particularly variable typing, program layout, etc. * Reply: 115347 #: 115347 S10/Programming 24-Mar-88 08:47:30 Sb: #115277-#A New Basic Fm: Larry Phillips/SYSOP 76703,4322 To: Steven D. Kapplin 70055,1021 (X) Steven, Could you tell us more about the compiled code? I was wondering primarily about the run-time support. Is the run time program a single file? Does it contain _all_ the possible support or just what's needed? Size of executable for small/medium/large programs? Any information would be appreciated. -larry * Reply: 115425 #: 115425 S10/Programming 24-Mar-88 18:55:12 Sb: #115347-#A New Basic Fm: Steven D. Kapplin 70055,1021 To: Larry Phillips/SYSOP 76703,4322 (X) Well, Larry, let me see if I can address the questions. Like most compiled Basics, F-Basic must have a run-time module available for the executable program. Unlike AC-Basic, F-Basic cannot produce a completely standalone program. F-Basic does not have a linker, so the run-time module cannot be linked to the program. It is a single-pass compiler. The run-time module is a single file occupying about 34k of disk space. The compiled modules are about the size of a typical AC-Basic module, depending upon the amount of reserved storage. For instance, the sieve program compiles to slightly over 9k, but 8k is the space reserved for the array. So far, the run-time module must be in the directory with the executable, as far as I can tell. I will be suggesting to the publishers that they consider placing the support files in the :s directory or a common directory that could be assigned. That way the executable can reside anywhere on disk and still find the run-time support. I have been closely reading the documentation about real numbers. F-Basic implements reals as a 32 bit mantissa with a 16 bit exponent. Thus, it achieves 9 digits of precision. This is better than standard single precision, but not as good as double. However, it is terribly fast. One slight flaw I have discovered is the way it implements exponentiation. It uses a function based upon the log of the number, so that you cannot exponentiate a negative number. The log function will, of course, refuse to take the log of a negative number. I will try to encourage them to find a better algorithm, because many math operations exist which require exponentiation of negative values, particularly stat operations. Hope this answers your question, Larry. Steve * Reply: 115445 #: 115445 S10/Programming 24-Mar-88 20:26:24 Sb: #115425-#A New Basic Fm: Larry Phillips/SYSOP 76703,4322 To: Steven D. Kapplin 70055,1021 (X) Steve, Is there any provision for writing code to sell or give away to someon who does not have the compiler? Is there a licence fee for the run time module or is it able to be distributed with the program you write. Thanks a bunch for the information so far. -larry * Replies: 115608, 115628 #: 115608 S10/Programming 25-Mar-88 21:14:42 Sb: #115445-#A New Basic Fm: Lloyd W. Dull III 74555,736 To: Larry Phillips/SYSOP 76703,4322 (X) Larry, When I called them, they said that for pure PD stuff, there would be NO liscence fee for the Run Time. For ShareWare or Commercial programs, they are asking $10 per program (I *ASSUME* this means $10 for 1000 copies of the ONE program you are selling, but I forgot to get THAT specific). The "upgrade" will be a "seperate product" available at a "reduced cost". They are also working on a source code debugger and some other interesting "products" that will be sold seperately. *I* ordered one. Lloyd * Reply: 115632 #: 115632 S10/Programming 25-Mar-88 23:10:19 Sb: #115608-A New Basic Fm: Larry Phillips/SYSOP 76703,4322 To: Lloyd W. Dull III 74555,736 Thanks for the info Lloyd. Sounds like a winner for those that like Basic. -larry #: 115628 S10/Programming 25-Mar-88 22:25:46 Sb: #115445-A New Basic Fm: Steven D. Kapplin 70055,1021 To: Larry Phillips/SYSOP 76703,4322 (X) Larry, yes there is a license fee of $10.00 for each program you sell or give away, because the program must be distributed with the copyrighted run-time module. Of course source can be distributed free to those who have the compiler. F-Basic has many features for direct access to the machine, much like C, Modula, etc. Pointers, structures and direct calls to the Amiga libs. I think, however, that the next version will provide new things not included yet. It currently supports functions and subroutines and global and local declared variables and functions/subroutines. Program comes with a disk full of example programs to help learn the language and most of its more sophisticated procedures. Although it is a Basic, it has many commands and instructions which are similar to Pascal and Fortran. I am pretty impressed by what it provides for a Basic. Steve